Regge trajectory pdf free

It is found that the kinematic tsingularities of the amplitudes associated with a regge trajectory for a given reaction are described by a single function whose origin can be easily understood. For light quarks the regge trajectories of mesons are essentially linear. The relationship between the spin and mass of a sequence of hadrons, with successive hadrons increasing by 2 in spin and also increasing in mass, but with the same values of other quantum numbers. The lorentz pole parameter c of toller has the same interpretation and is equal to a0, regge pole exchange has a precise analogue in nonrelativistic potential scattering. Composite systems and field theory for a free regge trajectory. Pomeron and odderon regge trajectories from a dynamical. Regge pole and kmatrix models for two particle reactions. Pdf new relations between analyticity, regge trajectories. Pomeron and odderon regge trajectories from a dynamical holographic model. The regge trajectory function appears in the exponent, so you have to take a log to extract it. The regge limit for green functions in conformal field theory. A multiquark approach to excited hadrons and regge. The model is confronted in the timelike region with widths and masses of the mesonic resonances and, in the spacelike region, the. Regge theory thus serves as a unifying concept drawing together many different features of highenergy physics.

Composite systems and field theory for a free regge trajectory a. The principal meson regge trajectory is accompanied by the daughter trajectories following with the step. This amplitude is supplemented with a selection of schannel resonance diagrams. Whenever a regge trajectory can be exchanged, a reggepomeron cut can in general also be exchanged. The expression is known as the regge trajectory function, and when it is an integer, the particles form an actual bound state with this angular momentum. In the case of the odderon, different regge trajectories were found in corresponding to a relativistic and a nonrelativistic model. These backgrounds represent two embeddings of n1 sym, in the large rank limit, in string theory. Coupling regularity and regge trajectory progress of. The regge trajectory parameter t has a simple physical interpretation in classical relativistic scattering phenomena. Regge trajectories for the mesons consisting of different. The regge regime requires relativistic motion of the string, that is, x 1. You might try a post on the subject comparing them to koides mass formula on my blog because i think theres a reasonable explanation, and some links to other sources of information on them. This monograph is intended primarily for research students just beginning to concern themselves with particle physics, but more experienced workers will also find much to interest them in this detailed survey of the basic ideas and. The reader might remind herself that grouping states into multiplets of an assumed underlying symmetry group is.

Klebanovstrassler ks and maldacenanunez mn which are dual to confining gauge theories. The reggeplusresonance model was developed to describe photoinduced and electroinduced kaon production o. Regge trajectory article about regge trajectory by the free. The model is confronted in the timelike region with widths and masses of the mesonic resonances and, in the space. A pole singularity of a scattering amplitude in the complex angular momentum plane. Compare the contribution of the leading regge trajectory to the scattering amplitude in the high energy limit with 6. Through analytic continuation of physical trajectories obtained from resonance data into the space like region, we derive the suppression factor for heavy. Regge theory was basically a phenomenological theory of hadronhadron scatteri. A free choice of the integer parameters j1, j2, j3, l result in a very large number. In quantum physics, regge theory is the study of the analytic properties of scattering as a. Let us define a lattice version of the freefermion theory. Photoproduction of pseudoscalar mesons in isobar and.

To this end we study closed spinning string configurations in two supergravity backgrounds. For example, if the imaginary part of the trajectory is taken to be vi rasoro model r. Regge trajectories of the baryons calculated by our model are shown by the solid lines and the corrected trajectories by the potential term eq. For massive quarks our trajectories qualitatively capture the nonlinearity detected in.

Spectroscopy and regge trajectories of heavy quarkonia. Regge obtained the laurea in physics from the university of turin in 1952 under the direction of mario verde and gleb wataghin, and a ph. Pdf the regge law for heavenly bodies researchgate. For equal internal masses on the sides of the ladder, the daughter pole has the following properties. Regge trajectories rt in hadron physics have been known for some 40 years. The massive endpoints induce nonlinearities for the regge trajectory. The asymptotic form applies when z \displaystyle z is much greater than one, which is not a physical limit in nonrelativistic scattering. A regge trajectory j k2 is also sometimes expressed as j e, or more commonly in terms of the mandelstam variable t as j t. The contribution of a regge trajectory to the imaginary part of the scattering amplitude is 16, 17.

Actually ive been taught about it during by graduate study, but it was already outdated at that time. The daughter regge trajectory predicted by freedman and wang is identified. Pashnev theoretical and mathematical physics volume 78, pages 272 277 1989 cite this article. Its a shame that its hard to find introductions to regge trajectories on the net. Galkin 2 1 institut fur physik, humboldtuniversita t zu berlin, newtonstr. Resonances or bound states that lie along a regge trajectory are relativistic rotational states of the particle that are quantized by the condition that the difference in angular momentum between the rest mass, assumed to be the lead particle on the trajectory, and the relativistic rotational state is an integer.

This is exactly the case of the first physical pole. The preceding statements hold if the elasticity is free of zeros at physical energies. Note, however, that this is our best fit for the pomeron trajectory. Regge trajectory article about regge trajectory by the. The three equations are solved numerically with the free parameters. A regge trajectory j k2 is also sometimes expressed as j e, or more commonly in terms of the mandelstam variable tas j t. Quasi free kaon production is investigated using the reggeplusresonance elementary operator within the nonrelativistic planewave impulse approximation. Pdf on the basis of the rg invariance we show, in particular, that the regge trajectory intercept cannot be calculated as a function of the coupling. The effect of quark mass on the regge trajectory is analysed. Regge trajectories, conservation of angular momentum in hyperbolic.

Reggeplusresonance predictions for kaon photoproduction. We also study \sigmat in the limit t\to\infty and show that, when d 8, it behaves as \alpha\prime t\ln\alpha\prime t\gamma, where \gamma0 depends on d and the number of. Modifications in the equations of regge trajectories are shown for mesonic as well as baryonic. When the energy passes a critical value in our case k 6 for the leading regge pole and k 10 for the second regge pole the regge trajectory changes from moving upward into downward. Based on the constituents counting rule the scaled differential cross section at e. An introduction to regge theory and high energy physics. We know of a regge trajectory for the secondary reggeons. The spin1 mesons of the kind are the lowest states on the daughters. Regge trajectories in nature suggests the existence of a cer. In fact, this idea led to the socalleddual amplitude models, since an automatic consequence of this ansatz was the appearance of a new symmetry, namely the duality of the amplitudes. The regge trajectory describes thus states with alternating parities and this agrees with the phenomenology. A model for a regge trajectory compatible with the threshold behavior required by unitarity and asymptotics in agreement with analyticity constraints is given in explicit form. Derivation of regge trajectories from the conservation of. Early chewfrautschi plots show that meson and baryon regge trajectories are approx imately linear and nonintersecting.

How exactly does linear regge trajectories imply stability. Consequently it is desirable that we take the same bag parameters as those of the mit bag model. Regge pole and kmatrix models for two particle reactions welcome to the ideals repository. Regge trajectories appear as poles of the scattering amplitude or in the related s \displaystyle s s matrix. The case of our d regge exchange, both for d and cproduction, is considered in some detail. Kotikov, lipatov, staudacher,velizhanin 07, graviton regge trajectory in ads and some. It was riemanns original idea that to free himself of the. We attempt to obtain realistic glueball regge trajectories from the gaugestring correspondence. In string theory, the trajectories are linear when they are longlived, but the trajectory function doesnt look as fundamental today. Regge theory article about regge theory by the free dictionary. By continuing to use our website, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. As the radius of curvature, r, we recover the dot product of euclidean geometry. Conformal regge theory helsinki institute of physics. Regge theory quantum mechanics the study of the analytic properties of scattering as a function of angular momentum, where the angular momentum is not restricted to.

New relations between analyticity, regge trajectories, veneziano amplitude, and moebius transformations article pdf available march 2001 with 12 reads how we measure reads. Meson regge trajectories relate resonance spins j to the square of their. Coupling regularity and regge trajectory, progress of theoretical physics, volume 45, issue 2, 1 february 1971, pages 656658, ht we use cookies to enhance your experience on our website. Feb 10, 2008 its a shame that its hard to find introductions to regge trajectories on the net. Regge trajectories revisited in the gaugestring correspondence. Spectroscopy and regge trajectories of heavy quarkonia d.

For massive quarks our trajectories qualitatively capture the nonlinearity detected in lattice calculations. Nov 20, 2003 we attempt to obtain realistic glueball regge trajectories from the gaugestring correspondence. Regge calculus was the first discrete gauge theory suitable for numerical simulation, and an early relative of lattice gauge theory. It is argued how this behavior, together with other pieces of evidence, suggests the picture by which the boundstates of quarks and qcdstrings are governed by the quantum mechanics of matrix coordinates. Extend the analysis to subleading terms in the large sexpansion. Ponzano developed a quantum version of regge calculus in three spacetime dimensions now known as the ponzano regge model. On regge pole trajectories for a rational function.

Regge theory quantum mechanics the study of the analytic properties of scattering as a function of angular momentum, where the angular momentum is not restricted to an integer but may take any complex value. Regge theory article about regge theory by the free. In regge theory the behaviour of phase shifts is such that whenever odd poles are required, one of them may be placed at infinity in such a way that only one free parameter enters in place of the usual two. In particular, for d\to4 it reproduces the known infrared divergences of gauge theory in 4 dimensions with a regge trajectory behaving as \ln\alpha\prime t. Sometimes it leads to a drastic change in the regge trajectory behavior. Tucker university of massachusetts, amherst, massachusetts 01002 and w. Why is it clear that it has a representation like the above, without a cut contribution at negative s.